what is Homeopathy

what is Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the law of similars founded by the German chemist and physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1800’s. Homeopathic remedies are taken from nature’s three kingdoms – animals, plants, and minerals. As many of these substances are highly toxic and poisonous, a systematized method of
potentization and succussion was perfected by Hahnemann, thus giving us the energetic pattern of these said substances.
For example, we know that historically mercury was commonly used in medicines (and in today’s vaccinations) but in its raw toxic form. In order to make this element a curing remedy with absolutely no side effects or damage to internal organs, the systemized method of potentization and succussion is used. A small portion of mercury is dissolved in alcohol, one drop of this
solution is added to 99 drops of water in a bottle. The bottle is succussed (vigorously shaken by pounding it on a hard surface); one drop of this solution is taken and added to another 99 drops of water in 2ndThis procedure is repeated over and over (this is called potentization) and can be done up to as many as 50,000 times. When it reaches the 12th (potency), there is no longer a trace of the original substance of mercury in the water – in physics we call this the “Avogadro Law”. In a homeopathic consultation, the patient describes his illness/ailments, his emotional sensitivities, dreams, phobias/fears, and his body generals such as food cravings/aversions/aggravations, sleep patterns, bowel patterns, body temperature, menses. The homeopath now has gathered all of the patient’s symptoms which become a “remedy picture”. It is now his job to analyze and match as closely as possible these seemingly unconnected symptoms to the remedy itself. When this similar remedy is taken, it acts like a “tuning fork”; the two similar energies (of patient and remedy) when combined are cancelled out and thus healing takes place. Homeopathic remedies treat the “whole patient” and not just the disease. The disease is the result and not the cause, so the remedy is actually treating the patient’s “perception” of his life situation/circumstances and thus opening up his awareness. When there is awareness, healing occurs and the disease/ailment disappears. “There are no incurable diseases, just incurable patients”. bottle and succeeded time.
City Clinic Homeopathy services . Ms. Cathy hanafy and Dr.Amal Fouad , please call 01020100004 for more information