wearing high heels while pregnant

wearing high heels while pregnant

Is it true that I shouldn’t wear high heels while I’m pregnant?

It’s best to put your heels away while you’re pregnant, or at least wear them only on special occasions. Instead, make your day-to-day shoes comfortable ones with broad supporting heels and straps. Your posture is changed slightly when you wear high heels, and this puts more pressure on your back and on your knee and ankle joints.
You’ll want to avoid putting any extra pressure on your back and joints during pregnancy. The tough, flexible tissues (ligaments) that keep your joints stable begin to stretch. The hormone relaxin loosens your ligaments, making your pelvis more flexible, ready for your baby’s journey into the world. Wearing high heels could contribute to lower back pain, which can become severe. You may also feel a little less physically co-ordinated while you’re pregnant. It’s common to feel dizzy sometimes, and being in high heels may not be the safest way to get around. Another reason not to wear high heels is that you may find your ankles and feet swell (oedema), especially in the third trimester. It’s very common to have oedema during pregnancy. Between 50 per cent and 80 per cent of healthy pregnant women have it. If you do experience swelling, you’ll probably find that it is worse as the day goes on. Later in the day, you may notice that if you press the skin around your ankles, the skin doesn’t spring back straight away. Any swelling will make heels uncomfortable. All in all, it’s best to save your high heels for special occasions.
Dr Sameh Hussein Samir MD, MRCOG – Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist,